Yes Bank And Axis Bank Salary in India

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 375000 750000 1125000 1500000
Average Monthly Salary Yes Bank And Axis Bank in India INR 191,154

78 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Yes Bank And Axis BankSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 12500 25000 37500 50000
sales officer INR 21,438
assistant manager INR 21,438
client sales partner INR 22,439
phone banking officer INR 23,585
finance executive INR 23,800
senior officer INR 24,297
client relationship partner INR 27,870
officer INR 28,227
sales executive INR 28,584
branch manager INR 28,584
office assistant INR 30,013
client relationship manager INR 35,730
assitant manager INR 35,730
assistant manager sales INR 35,730
senior officer INR 36,379
senior officer INR 36,379
quality analyst INR 36,711
senior officer INR 37,874
senior officer INR 37,874
senior officer INR 39,709